Monoclonal Antibodies Prepared Against Heparin Lyase I and their Reactivity Towards Heparin Lyases I, II and III
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Gu., K.
Edens, R.E.
Jandik, K.A.
Linhardt, Robert J.
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Biology , Chemistry and chemical biology , Chemical and biological engineering , Biomedical engineering
Alternative Title
1. Six different monoclonal IgG mouse antibodies to heparin lyase I from Flavobacterium heparinum were prepared. 2. The monoclonal antibodies were used to detect heparin lyases I, II and III by dot-blotting immunoassay and by Western blotting. 3. Individual antibodies showed different reactivity toward the three heparin lyases. 4. The reactivity of two of the monoclonal antibodies was destroyed by exposing heparin lyases to sodium dodecyl sulfate. 5. The antibodies can be used to rapidly distinguish between the three heparin lyases.
International Journal of Biochemistry, 25, 331-336
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Note : if this item contains full text it may be a preprint, author manuscript, or a Gold OA copy that permits redistribution with a license such as CC BY. The final version is available through the publisher’s platform.
Full Citation
Monoclonal Antibodies Prepared Against Heparin Lyase I and their Reactivity Towards Heparin Lyases I, II and III, K. Gu., R.E. Edens, K.A. Jandik, R.J. Linhardt, International Journal of Biochemistry, 25, 331-336 (1993).