[[The]] role of the bacterial ribosome in barotolerance
Smith, Walter P.
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Electronic thesis
Molecular biology
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Examination of the pressure response of the protein synthesizing systems utilizing all the possible 30s and 50s ribosomal subunit combinations from E. coli, P. fluorescens and P. bathycetes indicated that the salt-mediated barotolerant characteristic associated with P. bathycetes ribosomes lies within the functional capabilities of the 3Os subunit. Furthermore, the concentration of selected ions utilized in the process of separation and isolation of P. bathycetes ribosomal subunits was a critical factor. Utilization of isolation media containing either ImM Mg++, ImM Mg++ plus 150mM Na+, or lmM Mg++ plus 150mM K+ resulted in particles being obtained which were either respectively unable to synthesize polypeptide, capabLe of polypeptide synthesis which was barosenstive at both low and high salts, or capable of synthesis which was barosensitive in low salts and barotolerant in high salts. The inability to synthesize polypeptide has been shown to be due to an in ability to form messenger RNA-ribosomecampLexes , Furthermore riboosome isolated in 1mM Mg++ salts display altered sedimentation profiles, i.e. 30s particles appear as 26s particles. This change in s value may be due to the loss of specific ribosomal proteins during the isolation proceedure. The loss of the barotolerant characteristic may be due to specific ion-macromolecular interactions whLch cause irreversible conformational changes in the 30s ribosomal subunit.
August 1976
School of Science
School of Science
Full Citation
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY