Flight dynamics and handling qualites of electric quad-rotor aircraft for urban air mobility applications

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Walter, Ariel
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Electronic thesis
Aeronautical engineering
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
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The growth of Future Vertical Lift and Advanced Air Mobility programs has led to thedevelopment of a large variety of novel electric Vertical Take-Off and Landing (eVTOL) aircraft concepts. In this thesis, the viability of the use of a quad-rotor configuration for Urban Air Mobility (UAM) applications is examined based on flight dynamics and handling qualities considerations. An isolated, variable-RPM rotor is first considered, and an examination is conducted of the effects of increasing rotor size on response time and power consumption, due to the increasing rotor blade inertia. With variable-RPM, larger rotors may not be responsive enough for effective operation without relatively over-sized power-trains. In order to examine the effects of scaling up typical quad-rotor platforms on power-train requirements, variable- RPM quadcopters of increasing size are simulated in hover. Motor weight fractions are found to be notably higher for the larger quadcopters, highlighting the relative lack of control authority of variable-RPM inputs for producing changes in thrust. The effects of disk loading on the control authority are also considered. Increased disk loading results in increased trim power, but is shown to significantly reduce estimated motor weight. As an alternative to variable-RPM alone, a UAM-scale quadcopter with a hybrid control scheme is proposed to improve the flying qualities of the quadcopter. Hover and forward flight analysis is performed on a single-passenger, UAM-scale quadcopter with both variable rotor speed and collective pitch control. With these redundant controls, power consumption can be increased to improve authority of the pitch inputs for changes in rotor thrust. Hybrid control mixing is implemented using a complementary filter, allowing the aircraft to use pitch-control for short-term responses and RPM-control for trim. The benefits of this hybrid control scheme are demonstrated through simulation of hot/high/heavy conditions, where trimming with RPM-control allows the pitch actuators to maintain margin for maneuvers. Hybrid control allows the aircraft to reap the benefits of pitch-control for maneuverability, while maintaining stall margin by using RPM-control for trim. In order to perform pilot evaluations of the handling qualities, a real-time capable simulation model is developed for the hybrid control quadcopter. Four control modes are flown by test pilots in a flight simulator. Three hybrid control configurations (Eco, Standard, and Sport modes) are evaluated, along with a baseline variable-RPM case. The RPM control case is shown to be undesirable to pilots due to its increased delays associated with rotor acceleration. Standard and Sport modes perform the best overall, though some pilot comments suggest that Sport mode may be overly aggressive. Power-efficient Eco mode has the lowest Handling Qualities Ratings due to its slow response and reduced magnitude of commands. Overall, it is shown that the hybrid control quadcopter is able to significantly outperform its variable-RPM counterpart in piloted simulation of Mission Task Elements.
School of Engineering
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Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY
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