13C-NMR Relaxation Study of Heparin Disaccharide with Tripeptides GRG and GKG
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Mikhailov, Dmitri
Mayo, Kevin H.
Pervin, Azra
Linhardt, Robert J.
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Biology , Chemistry and chemical biology , Chemical and biological engineering , Biomedical engineering
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Heparin is a polydisperse sulphated copolymer consisting mostly of 1-->4 linked glucosamine and uronic acid residues, i.e. 2-deoxy-2-sulphamido-D-glucopyranose 6-sulphate and L-idopyranosyluronic acid 2-sulphate. 13C NMR has been used to study the interactions of heparinase-derived and purified heparin disaccharide with N- and C-terminally-blocked tripeptides GRG and GKG. Titration of the disaccharide with peptide indicates that GRG binds the disaccharide more strongly than does GKG, with interactions in either case being stronger at uronate ring positions. In the presence of GRG, a carboxylate pKa depression suggests electrostatic interactions between the arginine guanidinium group and the uronate carboxylate group. 13C relaxation data have been acquired for all disaccharide and peptide carbons in the presence and absence of GRG and GKG. 13C relaxation rates for the disaccharide are significantly faster in the presence of peptide, especially with GRG. Analysis of these relaxation data has been done in terms of molecular diffusion constants, D [symbol: see text] and D parallel, and an angle alpha between D parallel and a molecular frame defined by the moment of inertia tensor calculated for an internally rigid disaccharide. Disaccharide conformational space in these calculations has been sampled for both uronate half-chair forms (2H1 and 1H2) and over a range of glycosidic bond angles defined by motional order parameters and inter-residue nuclear Overhauser effects (+/- 30 degree from the average). In the absence of peptide, the ratio D [symbol: see text] /D parallel falls between 0.4 and 0.7; therefore molecular diffusion occurs preferentially about D parallel, which runs through both disaccharide rings. In the presence of peptide, D [symbol: see text] /D parallel is decreased, indicating that GRG is oriented along D parallel and proximal to the uronic acid ring. A model for this is shown.
Biochemical Journal, 315, 447-454
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Note : if this item contains full text it may be a preprint, author manuscript, or a Gold OA copy that permits redistribution with a license such as CC BY. The final version is available through the publisher’s platform.
Full Citation
13C-NMR Relaxation Study of Heparin Disaccharide with Tripeptides GRG and GKG, D. Mikhailov, K. Mayo, R.J. Linhardt, A. Pervin Biochemical Journal, 315, 447-454, 1996.
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