Effect of a variety of carbon nanotubes on the iodide-triiodide redox couple
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Simmons, T.J.
Maeda, N.
Miyauchi, M.
Miao, J.
Hashim, D.P.
Ajayan, P.M.
Dordick, J.S.
Linhardt, Robert J.
Issue Date
Biology , Chemistry and chemical biology , Chemical and biological engineering , Biomedical engineering
Alternative Title
The iodide (I−)-triiodide () redox pair was used as a model system to evaluate the potential catalytic activity of various carbon nanotubes. Aqueous solutions of hydroiodic acid were irradiated with ultraviolet light in the presence of single wall, multi-wall, boron-doped and nitrogen-doped multi-wall carbon nanotubes. The nitrogen-doped multi-wall carbon nanotubes showed significant catalytic activity in the generation of hydrogen triiodide, while the other carbon nanotubes studied inhibited the generation of hydrogen triiodide. The photoconversion of hydroiodic acid to hydrogen triiodide, catalyzed by the nitrogen-doped multi-wall carbon nanotubes, was further accelerated by the presence of dissolved oxygen, offering an additional decomposition pathway for hydroiodic acid.
Carbon 62, 177–181
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Note : if this item contains full text it may be a preprint, author manuscript, or a Gold OA copy that permits redistribution with a license such as CC BY. The final version is available through the publisher’s platform.
Full Citation
Effect of a variety of carbon nanotubes on the iodide-triiodide redox couple, T. J. Simmons, N. Maeda, M. Miyauchi, J. Miao, D. P. Hashim, P. M. Ajayan, J.S. Dordick, R. J. Linhardt, Carbon 62, 177–181, 2013.