Interaction of Fibroblast Growth Factor-1 and Related Peptideswith Heparan Sulfate and Its Oligosaccharides
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Fromm, J.R.
Hileman, R.E.
Weiler, J.M.
Linhardt, Robert J.
Issue Date
Biology , Chemistry and chemical biology , Chemical and biological engineering , Biomedical engineering
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Fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) are a family of an-with the highest affinity to heparan sulfate. These datagiogenic and mitogenic proteins that promote cell divi-suggest the triangular topology of the GAG bindingsion. The binding of FGFs to the heparan sulfate ofsite in FGF is critical for its interaction with heparancell-surface-bound proteoglycans appears to be criti-sulfate. Analysis of known GAG binding sites in 25 pro-cal for their activity. The interaction of fibroblastteins using the Chou – Fasman algorithm show thatgrowth factor-1 (FGF-1 or aFGF) using heparin lyase-these sites commonly contain turns.q1997 Academic Pressderived oligosaccharides from heparan sulfate was in-vestigated.
Archives in Biochemistry and Biophysics, 346, 252-262
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Note : if this item contains full text it may be a preprint, author manuscript, or a Gold OA copy that permits redistribution with a license such as CC BY. The final version is available through the publisher’s platform.
Full Citation
Interaction of Fibroblast Growth Factor-1 and Related Peptideswith Heparan Sulfate and Its Oligosaccharides, J. R. Fromm, R. E. Hileman,J. M. Weiler, R.J. Linhardt, Archives in Biochemistry and Biophysics,346,252-262, 1997.