Reliable and trustworthy networking in ad hoc and edge networks
Singh, Prateek Kumar
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Electronic thesis
Electrical engineering
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Real-world network like MANETs and IoT Edge Networks suffer from serious routing and networking challenges. Reliable implementation of routing messages to all nodes in a MANET is difficult in general. They do not have central base station and each device operates as a router. In certain critical applications, MANET must be able to reliably route messages to all nodes in the network, along with an additional capacity to track execution. Use of flooding approach causes redundancy in the network and is highly inefficient. Furthermore, MANETs have high risk of attacks as node generally lack adequate knowledge about other nodes and therefore, can easily be compromised. Malicious nodes are major security concern as they can enter the network and deliberately drop the packets to slow down the network. Therefore, a MANET must be able to 1) reliably and efficiently execute the routing process for all nodes in a tactical scenario with an additional capability to track and engage isolated nodes quickly, 2) identify and isolate malicious nodes in the network and select the most trusted path to route packets. This can not be achieved by a simple flooding approach and requires more advance protocols. Over last five years, we have seen extensive growth in the use of IoT devices and the edge networks typically suffers from resource constraints like packet overhead, energy, security etc. It is critical to understand and address these challenges for efficient utilization of edge networks in the real world applications. Therefore, in this thesis we aim to address some core routing and networking challenges in ad hoc and edge networks.
December 2019
School of Engineering
School of Engineering
Full Citation
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY