Caching and adaptive multiple description coding for fine-grained scalable video transmission
Gong, Qiushi
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Electronic thesis
Electrical engineering
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Secondly, we study the interaction of fine-grained scalable video coding (SVC) and caching. Fine-grained scalable video is applied at intermediate caches to allow online video users to fetch video clips at different qualities. Also, a cache space allocation algorithm is provided to optimize the average PSNR performance on the users' side. Moreover, the work of scalable video caching is extended to two-cache scenarios. Besides the cache space allocation algorithm, exclusive-or (XOR) network coding is also introduced to combine the sending of data from the server to each cache to reduce the backhaul bandwidth consumption. Numerical results with actual YouTube and Netflix Prize data set input show that the algorithm and network coding not only provide improved luma PSNR performance, but also reduce the backhaul data traffic. Finally we extend the two-cache scalable video caching model to a more generalized multiple-cache model. The problem is solved by grouping caches into pairs, which simplify it to a two-cache network coding problem. Various cache pairing algorithms, including maximum weighted matching and the heuristic algorithm, are applied to optimize the backhaul traffic saving and numerical results show that the proposed pairing algorithms can achieve higher backhaul traffic saving than not having inter-cache cooperations.
May 2018
School of Engineering
School of Engineering
Full Citation
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY