Acoustical analysis of coupled spaces based on spatial parameters
Notation, Alison
Issue Date
Electronic thesis
Architectural sciences
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In the field of Architectural Acoustics, there has been a significant focus on binaural hearingand the way room design impacts a listener’s experience within that space. Up to this point,
the Interaural Cross-correlation Coefficient (IACC) and its related property, Interaural Decorrelation
Coefficient (IADC), have been integral in the understanding of how the sound
envelops a listener. As previous research has indicated, it is possible to analyze single volume
spaces using the IADC method with a 90 ms dividing value for the late reverberation tail.
The aim of this project is to study the IADC within the context of a coupled volume situation
in order to answer the following questions. Where does the threshold between early and late
sound energy occur in a coupled situation? Is it possible to simulate the experience of
being in a coupled space by manipulating the late reverberation tail? Is there a perceivable
difference in the acoustic performance of coupled spaces when an aperture is closed versus
when it is open? In order to answer these questions, there must be an experiment within a
coupled space, as well as some level of perceptual testing. This thesis uses a binaural dummy
head within the main volume for the examination of the sound field around a human subject
when exposed to the secondary volume via an aperture. The research in this thesis indicates
that the IADC in the later reverberation tails may vary drastically within coupled volume
acoustics. Additional study may be required to find out how to best distinguish between early
and late energy in a coupled space. Future research may support the continued construction
of coupled volume concert venues as a way to increase the acoustical potential of these spaces.
August 2022
School of Architecture
School of Architecture
Full Citation
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY