Enzymatic Preparation of Heparin Dissacharides as Building Blocks in Glycosaminoglycan Synthesis
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Kim, Y.S.
Thanawiroon, C.
Bazin, H.G.
Kerns, R.J.
Linhardt, Robert J.
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Biology , Chemistry and chemical biology , Chemical and biological engineering , Biomedical engineering
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Pharmaceutical heparin and heparan sulfate, isolated from a side-stream of a commercial heparin manufacturing process, have been enzymatically depolymerzed with heparin lyases obtained from Flavobacterium heparinun. Heparin afforded a trisulfated disaccharide product that was recovered from the reaction mixture using gel permeation chromatography. Heparan sulfate afforded unsulfated disaccharide that was conveniently recovered from the product mixture by ion exchange chromatography. Both disaccharides were obtained in gram amounts at 90% or higher purity. Both enzymatically prepared disaccharides were chemically protected to prepare building blocks required for the future chemical synthesis of therapeutically valuable heparin oligosaccharides.
Preparative Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 31, 113-124
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Note : if this item contains full text it may be a preprint, author manuscript, or a Gold OA copy that permits redistribution with a license such as CC BY. The final version is available through the publisher’s platform.
Full Citation
Enzymatic Preparation of Heparin Dissacharides as Building Blocks in Glycosaminoglycan Synthesis, Y.S. Kim, C. Thanawiroon, H.G. Bazin, R.J. Kerns, R.J. Linhardt, Preparative Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 31, 113-124, 2001.