The planning for energy and resource recovery from solid waste in the state of New York
Rhodes, Milton
Issue Date
Electronic thesis
Chemical and environmental engineering
Alternative Title
Of the available technologies for deriving fuel from solid waste two have been chosen for this current New York State plan: (1) cocombustion with fossil fuels and (2) water wall incineration. This plan strongly recommends that the total solid waste system either local or multicommunity be studied as the solid waste energy source for either of the two proposed systems. Toward this end a mathematical systems model was developed with three sub-systems: (1) OPTMDL (Optimization Model), (2) SYSMDL (Systems Model) and (3) ECOMDL (Economic or Funding Model). Beginning with OPTMDL the initialization of the solid waste source. and incineration is optimized through the relationship of haul and processing costs using primary haul only. Primary haul transports solid waste in the same vehicle used for collection. SYSMDL combines the collection, primary haul, secondary haul (through transfer to larger hauling vehicle), incineration and finally ultimate disposal in a sanitary landfill. ECOMDL and its second generation modification ECOMDL 2 model the economic relationships within the funding mechanism. A financial scheme, now being looked at for more widespread use, is leveraged leasing. In this system of financing the municipality acting for itself or for a group pf other municipalities floats the bond issue. An authority set up to handle the design, construction and operation reviews the funding. An annual lease payment to the funding community discharges the principal and interest on the debt.
December 1976
School of Engineering
School of Engineering
Full Citation
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY