WNx and MoNx layers: elastic properties and crystal structure
Ozsdolay, Brian
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Electronic thesis
Materials engineering
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MoNx layers, 689-980 nm thick, were deposited on 1-inch diameter oxidized-Si(111) substrates by reactive magnetron sputtering. X-ray diffraction scans show only cubic MoNx peaks for 600-900 °C with a predominantly 002 texture for Ts = 600-700 °C and weaker 111, 220, and 113 peaks which changes to a slight 111 texture and later a lack of preferred orientation as Ts increases to 800-1000 °C. In addition, BCC Mo peaks appear at 1000 °C. The out-of-plane lattice constant for the cubic 002 peak decreases from 4.283 Å to 4.151±0.004 Å with increasing Ts, while lattice constants of the 111, 220, and 113 peaks vary from 4.236±0.005 Å to 4.138±0.003 Å as Ts varies from 600-1000 °C. The N/Mo ratio x as measured by energy-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy decreases from x = 0.99-0.51 as Ts increases from 600-1000 °C. Wafer stress measurements by x-ray diffraction show a radius of curvature that ranges from 2.43±0.35 m to 4.16±0.94 m which are confirmed by optical measurements which show a radius of curvature varying from 2.51±0.19 m to 4.48±0.51 m. Stress values range from 105±28 MPa to 179±19 MPa as measured by x-ray diffraction and from 97±11 MPa to 170±31 MPa as measured by the optical method. Hardness values range between 5.3±0.6 GPa and 6.8±0.3 GPa, while the elastic modulus decreases from 109±4 GPa to 37±1 GPa as Ts increases from 600-900 °C. The elastic modulus increases again to 164±15 GPa for Ts = 1000 °C due to the appearance of BCC Mo in this sample.
August 2016
School of Engineering
School of Engineering
Full Citation
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY