Designing PETS: A Personal Electronic Teller of Stories
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Druin, Allison
Montemayor, Jaime
Hendler, James A.
McAlister, Britt
Boltman, Angela
Fiterman, Eric
Plaisant, Aurelie
Kruskal, Alex
Olsen, Hanne
Revett, Isabella
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We have begun the development of a new robotic pet that can support children in the storytelling process. Children can build their own pet by snapping together the modular animal parts of the PETS robot. After their pet is built, children can tell stories using the My Pets software. These stories can then be acted out by their robotic pet. This video paper describes the motivation for this research and the design process of our intergenerational design team in building the first PETS prototypes. We will discuss our progress to date and our focus for the future.